I copied this from Janilynn and Marcus Buchanan's blog. Please help spread the word.
Hey everyone! As many of you know Ben and Carol Huff's little girl Lizzie was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. She spent a significant amount of time in the hospital and is now home with a long road of recovery ahead of her. We recently found out that they were chosen as the benefit family for this weekend's annual high school alumni basketball tournament. A few of us were talking and wanted to try and help them out by raising some additional money on our own. We know times are tough and it is short notice, but any amount would be greatly appreciated. Ben and Carol are usually on the giving end of things, but now it is their turn to be on the receiving end. If you are willing/able to help please e-mail Janilynn at janilynnb@hotmail.com ASAP for more info (checks will be made out to the Todd Morrison Alumni Tournament)....and spread the word.
Baby Tanner is here!
Tanner Jason, our sweet little addition. He has been such a good baby and so much fun. Tate and Ellie love him so much! I love that the kids are old enough to enjoy this little baby.
Uncle JASON, who we named him after.
.Our Little Monkey.
.Tate and Tanner. Tate's favorite thing to do with Tanner is snuggle him at bedtime. He also loves carrying Tanner around.... yikes!
check it out!
Okay, okay, I know I'm not the best blogger but I found a website you all have got to check it out. I love it! Just click on the button I added on the Right (Make and Takes). I am overwhelmed with new ideas, just wondering when i'll find the time...
4th of July and Jeff's Birthday!
Happy Fourth! We had a super fun day. We have a few little traditions for the Fourth, one of them is sleeping outside in the backyard in tent the night of the 3rd. We didn't do that this year because we had just cleaned up from camping the weekend before for Jeff's birthday but we did keep the tradition of going to our small town's Parade, infact, we were in the Parade! We were with the BCCH float. The kids decorated their bikes and rode behind the truck handing out Otter Pops(which is why Tate had to wear his batting gloves, to keep his hands warm:) BCCH bought 2 thousand Otter Pops and we ran out about a block before the finish line! I guess our Little Town has more festive people than I thought! Tate and Ellie got their faces painted, we watched A LOT of softball the whole week, had a BBQ at Mom's, went to the fireworks, and fired off a few fireworks that Aunt Jamie bought afterwards. One other tradition we have over the Fourth is making homemade ROOTBEER! I love it, it' s so good! I am so thankful for a day to remember our INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM and the people who have helped and are helping to make it possible. Thank You to those who have served! WE love AMERICA!

Jeff's birthday present was camping the weekend before and this new Basketball Hoop! Tate has been soooo excited to share Dad's birthday present with him. It's so nice to get some cement and get rid of about 100,000 stickerweeds on the side of our house!

A little Guitar Hero can always help get you in the Patriotic mood, right?
Jeff's birthday present was camping the weekend before and this new Basketball Hoop! Tate has been soooo excited to share Dad's birthday present with him. It's so nice to get some cement and get rid of about 100,000 stickerweeds on the side of our house!
A little Guitar Hero can always help get you in the Patriotic mood, right?
Jeff's Birthday! Happy Birthday sweetie! We love you. We like going camping or doing something fun over Jeff's special day (another Tradition). We stayed near Bear Lake, in a TENT for three nights! It was such a great time. We LOVED being away from everything, all the stress that comes and goes everyday was gone (too bad it came back just as quickly). I loved having the time with my little family. It's so awesome to have the time to spend constantly with my kids and sweetheart.
T-ball, Father's day, and Rexburrria!
Happy Fathers Day! We love Jeff so much, he is such a great Daddy and Husband. Some of our favorite things about him is his goofy personality, silly habbits (you know what those are babe!), and the genuine way he cares for us. WE LOVE YOU!
Ellie bought him some new belts to wear to work... practical, I know!
... and Tate found this thing at Smith and Edward's and would not let go! He started crying when I told him to put it back cause Dad didn't need another BBQ tool. Tate said, "but daddy won't have to use a fork to turn the meat and burn his fingers!" It was so sweet that I gave in and let him get it for Dad.
We went with Amber and her boys up to Rexburg to see Rachel. These were the only pictures I got but they are pretty cute. We ate a yummy dinner straight off Matt's grill and then went to this cute little ice cream shop to get DELICIOUS ice cream! After sugaring ALL these kiddo's up we went back to Rachel's. It was a little difficult getting them all to cooperate and go to sleep but it eventually happened. The best part of it all was they even ALL slept in the same room! It was such a fun trip.... ThAnks AgAin Rach!

What do I say about T-Ball? It is adorable watching these little kids play! I love it! Tate is so funny out there on the field. He doesn't quite get the concept of letting other kids play their positions. Tate was supposed to be covering 3rd base and he ended up running all the way over by first to get a ball the batter hit. He wants every ball, guess it's not all bad. He is so cute and absolutely loves it. He is pretty serious when he is playing but is having lots of fun. Thanks to his coaches for being so cute with him! I love you #5!
Trying to be crafty!
I copied this from a friends blog. I thought it sounded like a lot of fun and decided to try it!
This is how it works:The first three people to type "Annie is trying to be crafty!" in the comments on this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. The catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and give the same offer to the first three commenter's who will also craft it forward.Here are my contingencies:
1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year.
4. You have no clue what it's going to be.
5. I reserve the right to make something extremely strange.
6. You must post a picture of what you win when you get it.
Have fun!
This is how it works:The first three people to type "Annie is trying to be crafty!" in the comments on this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. The catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and give the same offer to the first three commenter's who will also craft it forward.Here are my contingencies:
1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year.
4. You have no clue what it's going to be.
5. I reserve the right to make something extremely strange.
6. You must post a picture of what you win when you get it.
Have fun!

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