
Growing like a WeEd!

I can't believe how quickly Tate is learning to recognize his "sight" words and sound out his letters. I thought it would be forever until he was reading but now it's coming quicker than ever. Tonight he wrote this little note and showed it to us! It says Don't like it! It was durring dinner sio I thought he was talking about his dinner but then he told us that it' s a picture of a boy holding a bug. he, he... How cute is he! He is getting so smart... I love it.


Landon said...

How adorable! He's such a fun little boy! Landon and Garrett like to tell me to draw things like koala bears and giraffes, just so they can laugh at my pictures and make me cry.

Anonymous said...

cute! its amazing huh! today tee wrote cal a little note. He sounded everything out. I'm sad but at the same time its so fun to watch them grow!!!

Jamie said...

What a stud! He is so stinkin cute and so smart!!I can't believe how big he is getting. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Of course he is going to be smart look at who his mom is!!! I miss you guys!!

Mindy said...

I love the picture!! He is so cute!! :) Thanks for the fun girl time! :)Love ya!

Rachel said...

I love the proud look on his face. What a smarty pants!

Jamie said...

I love the picture at the top of your blog! So cute. How do you get it centered?

Rachel said...

Hey you. Just wanted to let you know I changed my blog address to http://ourlivesonmyblog.blogspot.com/. You know.. I'm just doing everything I can to drive you nuts! Love ya.

Melissa said...

I also changed my blog address it is
5personsonablog.blogspot.com. Just change Low on the existing address to persons.